Today has just been one of those rough days.
You know, those days where it just feels like the world is out to get you.
And then I got onto Facebook, and saw this wonderful and powerful video.
Everybody has "mountains" to climb.
Everybody has trials.
Everybody has hard days.
No one is exempt from trials, because if we were, we would never learn to rely on our Savior and his atonement.
We should never feel the need to compare our "mountains"
But after watching this video, I realized my "mountains" were simply just little hills.
Little bumps in the road if you will,
to help me to refocus myself, and my life on Christ.
Now, with that said, just watching this video didn't make those "mountains" or "mole-hills" or whatever you want to call them go away.
Realizing our faults, or our trials, does not make them automatically disappear.
There still are not enough hours in the day.
There are still plans that weren't kept.
Things that aren't finished.
Feelings of inadequacies.
There is still a long "to-do" list staring me in the face.
Your body feels like it is fighting against you.
And you may still feel like breaking down and crying.
When the shift changes from,
"The world revolves around me"
{or maybe something a bit more mellow than that}
and back toward,
"I can do all things through Christ which strenghteneth me."
{Philippians 4:13}
suddenly, you realize:
There are still seven and a half (or so) hours left in the day!
Everything happens for a reason! (I know it's cliche)
You got A LOT done today! (hey, you got out of bed!)
You are a beautiful CHILD OF GOD!
That "to-do" list isn't as intimidating, in fact, it's half done!
You have a body that works. Even if it may resent some of the things you do.
(like running up a snow covered hill at night)
And sometimes, it is okay to cry and let it all out.
Life isn't always going to be perfect.
You're going to have bad days.
But there is always someone who knows you perfectly, and your situation, and is always willing to listen.
Just a "knee-call" away.
And He is always willing to answer.
As long as you are willing to open up the scriptures and search.
Life is so much sweeter when you allow the Lord to work in you!